Nowadays eCommerce is not just selling to customers. With technological advancement and ease of process & operation with it, Online business-to-business trade b2b eCommerce is an emerging trend.
In recent years B2C eCommerce has got most of the media attention and limelight, B2B eCommerce is also growing simultaneously and it’s a higher revenue generator for the organization than B2C.
B2B sellers are now recognizing the importance of customer experience & ease of operation offered by new technologies where their business customers got access to all their products, pricing, stock, and product specification at the tap of their fingers.
It’s also important to keep in mind that business customers are also used to typical workflows of B2C eCommerce and therefore any solution developed for B2B customers should not heavily differ from typical B2C workflows.
What B2B eCommerce customers expect?
Time is precious in today’s technology-driven era and that applies to B2B buyers as well. B2B customers also want to check detailed product specifications, check out their past order history, and place news orders flawlessly without any external help or intervention. In Short, B2B customers expect –
- More control over their purchase
- Purchase online 24/7 without a need to call your office
- Instant access to product information, stock & pricing
- Ease ordering process
Check out some statistics
Some statistics from Acquity Group ‘State of B2B Procurement, 2014 Report –
“71% of B2B buyers prefer to conduct research and purchase on their own with access to a sales representative via the phone or online chat when needed.” – Acquity Group ‘State of B2B Procurement, 2014
“68% of B2B buyers now purchase goods online.” Uncovering the Shifting Landscape in B2B Commerce – Acquity Group, 2014
“83% see a supplier’s website as the most popular channel for conducting research online.” – Acquity Group ‘State of B2B Procurement, 2014
“Only 12% of B2B buyers have the need to meet in person with a sales representative.” – Acquity Group ‘State of B2B Procurement, 2014
Check out a B2B eCommerce portal case study and get an in-depth idea of implementing a successful online B2B portal. Being an eCommerce website development agency for over a decade, we have helped businesses word wide to launch and succeed with their online store.